Services and Portfolio

Drafting / Drawing / Illustrating Services

We take great care and pride in our work and it comes through in the illustrations we return to our clients. An application may start out as a sketch on a napkin but we do our best to make sure the drawings provided are nothing short of impressive.

Utility Patent Drawings

Utility drawings are Dakatec’s foundation and a service that truly sets us apart from everyone else. Using a system of drawing that is constantly refined as technology progresses, we deliver superior drawings in an expedited fashion. To maintain some semblance or connection to the days of pen and ink drafting, we have an illustrative quality we add to drawings without sacrificing time. All utility drawings are guaranteed to be accepted by the USPTO as long as the drawings are not altered after we deliver the PDF file. Learn More

Design Patent Drawings

When it comes to Design Patents you can expect accurate, high quality drawings from Dakatec. We take great pride in our ability to represent the uniqueness and likeness of an item while adhering to standards set forth by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as well as requirements of international PTOs. Our illustrators have the talent to not only draw meticulous representations but also apply shading correctly to bring out novel features of the design. Learn More

Trademark Drawings

Trademark drawings are a service that naturally fits in our range of abilities. Given our artistic nature and aptitude for precision, we can offer first-rate drawings with unprecedented speed. Our understanding of the USPTO’s criteria allows us to offer coverage for black and white or color trademarks, depending on your needs. We do not design Trademarks from scratch, we simply take your current mark and reproduce and format it to a more precise and higher quality image that will meet USPTO drawing standards when it comes time to file your application. Learn More